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Booking Form

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Fields marked * are required

Type of Booking

I would like to book:*

Please select your booking type

6m-10m x 8m Space - Cost: £75
6ft Table Space - Cost: £50
6m x 6m Space - Cost: £30
Total Cost: £

Your Details

Public Liability Insurance

You must send us a copy of your insurance before 1st June and bring it on Carnival day for inspection. Failure to do this will invalidate your booking and you will not be allowed onto the site.

Please enter the expiry date of your current insurance:

Terms & Conditions

*I accept Eynsham Carnival Conditions of Entry and state that on the day of the Carnival you will have up to date and adequate public liability insurance cover and employers liability insurance if appropriate, and that you will equip your stall with a Fire Extinguisher.

Details on how to make payment will be sent to you once your booking has been confirmed. Please note that the allocation of stalls is on a 'First Come, First Served' basis and subject to receipt of a copy of your insurance - as stipulated above. We reserve the right to refuse bookings.